Dominique Broadway
Design The Life Of Your Dreams!

As Seen In

The Wealth Decision
An eye-opening roadmap for becoming a millionaire and building the foundation for generational wealth from a self-made, first-generation multimillionaire.
Demystify the path to wealth once and for all with Dominique Broadway’s unique strategy for taking control of your finances and becoming a millionaire. Based on simple steps and small decisions that build upon each other that anyone can execute, this book is the playbook for attaining wealth–even for those who have never had money or struggle with debt.

Not Your Average Speaker…
I’m not here to stand on a stage and talk at you. I’m not here to drone on about boring financial concepts you don’t understand. My goal is to share my story and my own path toward financial literacy. Over the years, I have honed my storytelling skills to be both inspirational and intentional. Whether for a conference of thousands or an intimate group retreat, I tailor each one of my transformational talks to make intimidating financial topics fun and feasible for all.

Your Lifestyle Is up to You…

Am I a good mother to my kids? Am I leaving my mark? Am I doing enough?
No matter what hats she wears, every woman I know has asked herself some variation of these questions at one point in her life. Whether we’re single or married, raising a family, climbing the corporate ladder, running a business, launching a creative project, or charting a path all on our own, we all want the same thing: a life that lights us up inside.
The good news is, that life is entirely up to you.
I am here to show you that you can design whatever life you want! I know because I’ve done it – and I’m still doing it every day!

Let's Get You Started
Whatever the reason why you are here, I want you to feel either inspired or empowered or BOTH. Below are the best ways to enjoy my website.

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[Coming Soon]

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Let’s Add A Comma
Grinding and grinding but not sure how to move the needle to get past multiple six and seven figures in your business? I want to show you step by step how I scaled to 8 figures. During this one hour workshop, I will show you my 7 Steps to 7 Figures (and everything I wish someone had poured into me during the journey).
New webinar schedule coming soon!

Hi! I am Dominique Broadway…
A mother, entrepreneur, CEO, public speaker, and veteran finance expert at the helm of award-winning financial education company, Finances Demystified. Professionally, I am a money maven teaching people – especially women – how to manage their personal finances, grow their wealth, and use those dollars to bring their Dreams2Reality. Personally, I’m just a woman like you, daring to have it all.
Too often, I think women are taught that they have to choose. They can be either this or that, but not both. I want to change that. Here, you’ll find my stories, services, tips, tricks, and hacks to have it all!
Hi! I am Dominique Broadway…
Brands I’ve Worked With

Talks That Transform…
Let’s talk about transformation! Money is a powerful motivator, but sometimes it’s not enough. As a seasoned keynote speaker, I’ve designed my signature talks to educate, inspire, and light a fire under those who want to change their lives.
I’m not here to stand on a stage and talk at you. I’m not here to drone on about boring financial concepts you don’t understand. My goal is to share my story and my own path toward financial literacy. Over the years, I have honed my storytelling skills to be both inspirational and intentional. Whether for a conference of thousands or an intimate group retreat, I tailor each one of my transformational talks to make intimidating financial topics fun and feasible for all.